
Identity Linking

Manage the identities associated with your user

The user identity

The user identity represents an authentication method associated to the user. For example, if a user signs in using their email, an email identity will be associated with the user.

The user identity object contains the following attributes:

idstringThe provider id returned by the provider. If the provider is an OAuth provider, the id refers to the user's account with the OAuth provider. If the provider is email or phone, the id is the user's id from the auth.users table.
user_idstringThe user's id that the identity is linked to.
identity_dataobjectThe identity metadata.
identity_idstringThe unique id of the identity.
providerstringThe provider name.
created_atstringThe timestamp that the identity was created.
last_sign_in_atstringThe timestamp that the identity was last used to sign in.
updated_atstringThe timestamp that the identity was last updated.

Identity linking strategies

Currently, Supabase Auth supports 2 strategies to link an identity to a user:

  1. Automatic Linking
  2. Manual Linking

Automatic linking

Supabase Auth automatically links identities with the same email address to a single user. This helps to improve the user experience when multiple OAuth login options are presented since the user does not need to remember which OAuth account they used to sign up with. When a new user signs in with OAuth, Supabase Auth will attempt to look for an existing user that uses the same email address. If a match is found, the new identity is linked to the user.

In order for automatic linking to correctly identify the user for linking, Supabase Auth needs to ensure that all user emails are unique. It would also be an insecure practice to automatically link an identity to a user with an unverified email address since that could lead to pre-account takeover attacks. To prevent this from happening, when a new identity can be linked to an existing user, Supabase Auth will remove any other unconfirmed identities linked to an existing user.

Users that signed up with SAML SSO will not be considered as targets for automatic linking.

Manual linking (beta)

In the example above, the user will be redirected to Google to complete the OAuth2.0 flow. Once the OAuth2.0 flow has completed successfully, the user will be redirected back to the application and the Google identity will be linked to the user. You can enable manual linking from your project's authentication configuration options or by setting the environment variable GOTRUE_SECURITY_MANUAL_LINKING_ENABLED: true when self-hosting.